I have been watching Mika Brzezinski for several years in the morning, and when she launched “know your value” it was an eye opening moment for me. I was post chemo and in the middle of radiation treatments, I was on sick leave from what I had anticipated would be my dream, final destination, job; the global leader in my field for a massive multi billion dollar company.

Turns out I didn’t really know my value, as I listened to Mika and others speak about “value” and how we see ourselves, I realized that I had let a toxic environment convince me that I was not valuable, that I was less than. It changed my trajectory. I didn’t ever want to go back to a place where I felt under valued or dismissed because of my gender, my age or my lack of an MBA. I had to feel valued within myself.  It takes a lot of self-talk, but here I am with a new business just a year old, at 60 driving incredible results with a true value statement. I don’t work with clients who don’t value what we do. I won’t subject myself or my team to environments where they may feel dismissed. I highly recommend that you follow this organization:




Get involved or just get inspired. Women supporting women changes the way the world works.  Follow us to see what we will be doing next for working women, young and not so young, bringing women together for the purpose of developing tools that will help you to “know your value”.

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