Talking job boards

A short time ago I had the privilege of presenting a talk on how to attract qualified candidates versus a quantity of candidates. In this mini series, we break down the essential job boards and how best to leverage them. The biggest take away is to make sure you can measure the results for yourself, understand […]

Recruiters, don’t worry- your job isn’t going anywhere

  I was sitting on a webinar today that was going really in depth about AI and skills based hiring, and how as recruiters, we need to focus on this & build our AI so it can better select candidates based on skills so that we can move to this skills based hiring model. And […]

How Virtual Interviews will go the way of the Dodo….

I’ve been hearing a lot about how AI will help Recruiters to be more efficient and ultimately take away the need for recruiters. This will not ever be true as long as we are hiring human beings. The other side of this that must be discussed is how people can “cheat” when being screened with […]

International Women’s Day

I have been musing over what it means that we have a day to recognize women. I’ve heard men grumble that there isn’t an international women’s day… why don’t they have a day? Well for me it’s not immediately obvious, why?   Because I grew up in the late 60’s into the 70’s, when there was […]

Know your value

I have been watching Mika Brzezinski for several years in the morning, and when she launched “know your value” it was an eye opening moment for me. I was post chemo and in the middle of radiation treatments, I was on sick leave from what I had anticipated would be my dream, final destination, job; […]

Selecting Talent for Potential

When we think about the #futureofhiring and how that should look for your organization, it’s important to think beyond the hiring one person for one open job.

Remote Interviews and Selection

The concept of Work from Anywhere has replaced Work from Home over the past year. This has created some incredibly positive changes as well as some very real challenges.